Feedback for Robin Koerner

Robin Koerner has emerged as one of the most important journalists of this new generation. He was the daily chronicler of the 2012 Ron Paul revolution. He brought the message of liberty to the masses. No one dared miss one of his columns.

Those who discovered America -- Columbus and Leif Erickson -- only discovered the easy part; the PHYSICAL America. Those who've attempted to discover the soul of America are harder to identify and reward. Alexis de Toqueville in the 1800s is smothered with honor in that regard. De Toqueville's greatness is not denied and we gently move him over to make room for a newcomer who has dazzlingly brilliantly "discovered America" like it's never been discovered before. Robin Koerner's political, psychological and philosophical rampage through today's America turning on lights we didn't even know were off take more and more of your intellectual breath away according to how high you rated intellectually in the first place. In Koerner's well-aimed salvo after salvo, you need not feel inferior you didn't think of this tableau of genius first. As Napoleon once said to an unending mob of his prisoners of war, "Relax, Gentlemen. It is no disgrace to be defeated by MY army!"

Robin Koerner is a defender of Liberty and a true lover of America's Constitutional Republic. The knowledge that Robin brings to his reader, if put into action, is sure to be instrumental in the restoration of our American foundational principles.

" . . . Robin Koerner’s provocative and revisionist work, which I am humbled to introduce. It is a work of stunning erudition and sincerity. I also happen to agree with it. I’ve been struggling toward a similar thesis for a good part of my writing career, though I’m certain Robin has gone beyond even my most mature thought. We need this book now. Too much is at stake for the cause of liberty to fail to expand its circle of friends."
"This is why the cause of liberty must be clear on what it opposes. We seek to end government as we know it. But that is not the whole of what we seek. We also favor something beautiful. In explaining what this looks like and the rhetorical apparatus that necessarily accompanies this is the greatest value of Koerner’s book."
"I’m intrigued at Koerner’s deep analysis of prevailing political biases and how they reflect personal life conditions in an intractable way. This is a result of an intrusive state apparatus that everyone is seeking to control in their own interest."
" . . . [an] aspect of the book that truly sweeps me away with its insight and depth is his section on liberty as an realization of a civilization of love. I know that time is short and that people don’t read as carefully as they should. But this section deserves close study by every advocate of liberty. It will change the way you think and speak about the topic."
"What I never had time to do was spell out what this humanitarian vision of liberty looks like in its fullest presentation. This is what Koerner’s book has done: completed something that I only discerned in its barest outlines."
"We need writings that humanize what we favor. We need to understand that libertarianism is, at it root, liberal in spirit, inseparable from the historical forces that unleashed the most wonderful flowering of human dignity in the whole of human experience. This is what Koerner has done, and I absolutely celebrate the intellectual passion that led to this book’s creation."

We had Robin as one of 12 speakers for our 3rd Activist Training Conference. Of all of the speakers, not only did he bring the most energy, but he delivered solid, actionable, points.
His admonition to focus on shared injustices instead of labels was easily the best line of the evening.
Robin is one of the true thought leaders in antipartisan activism.

Robin's understanding of the inner workings of the human brain and his insights into how to use the way the brain processes information to get people to listen, trust and think is stunning.

Robin! I was impressed with you when I knew you way back when from working for you at Watching America. You are a wordsmith and a master persuader and I always find myself agreeing with everything you say. Please come down to Dallas!

I met Robin when he came to give the keynote address for the Vermonters for Liberty convention in 2012. He was invited specifically because of his broad appeal and ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Not only did he deliver a fabulous keynote, he left an indelible impression on my word-view and taught me to "meet people where they are" with love and respect.

Thank you to Robin Koerner founder of Blue Republican and Watching America who invited me to participate in his Political Journalism Masterclass Tele-conference/Webinar. Robin gives real life examples not just theory in the art of persuasive journalism through his articles in The Huffington Post. Robin gives you the tools to connect with your audience to communicate your message. Your message can have the power to inspire others to take action. That action can change the world. He gave me the confidence to be bolder in my writing as I now understand how to communicate my message to those that may not share my views and help them see a new perspective. — with Robin Koerner. As a result of his guidance and encouragement I have been active in political journalism and have had articles published on IVN, Liberychat , WatchdogArena, and Sex and the State.

Robin's upbeat style is attractive and engaging. He is politically bilingual and communicates in a way that is both inspiring and enlightening. To a world of division and mounting tension, Robin brings compassion and civility. He influenced our motto of Liberty Logic and Love for the Libertarian Party of King County. Liberty requires responsibility tempered with compassion. Robin seems to "get" that.

Robin Koerner is one of the great minds of liberty today. He is not just a brilliant guy, but he is passionate about liberty and what it means for people to live in a society where they as individuals are recognized as important and valuable. And that's one of the reasons that I'm so excited that he's featured on our site at
Intellectually, he is way up there, so if you have questions, don't be afraid to track him down and ask him - because I always do.
But the bottom line is that he's going to blow your mind about this thing called liberty - about how it doesn't belong to us because we're Americans; it doesn't belong to us by virtue of some birthright that's been given to us; it is because we are humans. It is a human, fundamental right - our right to liberty.

Robin has been a featured guest speaker at the last 3 of our Libertarian Party of Washington Cascade Liberty Summits and he has always delivered an upbeat, inspiring message to our attendees. He has successfully figured out how to articulate the philosophy of liberty in a pragmatic and non-threatening way. I am looking forward to experiencing his evolution of thought at future events.
-C. Michael Pickens
Author, Libertarian Leadership and Libertarian Lion
Former LPWA Chairman

Have you ever heard of an entire county political party being organized based on the speeches of one individual? Well, it has happened in Kitsap County, Washington. We formed the principles and platforms of the Libertarian Party of Kitsap County based on the principles that Robin Koerner teaches. We created a new kind of political party based on Love, Logic, and Liberty and we formed ourselves to reach out to the people of our community with understanding and acceptance. We feel that every county political organization and candidate should base their policies on the concepts and innovative solutions that Robin provides.

One of the things missing from the political process is civility. Having honest disagreements is part of the process, but it often breaks down because we just cannot understand each other. Robin does a fantastic job pointing out that sometimes it IS just a translation problem--and we should consider it a responsibility to understand each other better.

Too often among libertarian circles, people argue simply for the sake of arguing. Robin points out why this is detrimental to the movement and outlines the proper route to take for changing minds. Truly an inspiring speaker.

Robin is well-versed in the art of communication. His presentation was excellent, and encouraged me to redevelop the way I approach discourse on sensitive topics.

Very rarely is a talk so good and unique that it presents something I hadn't ever realized, much less one that makes me reevaluate myself entirely, but Robin Koerner's "Breaking Political Paradigms: The Art of Political Persuasion" speech did just that.
Every libertarian needs to hear this talk if our movement hopes to capture the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans. The survival of the liberty movement depends on it.